• post

    www.google.com over IPv6

    by  • 30th March 2009 • post

    As some of the people know Google has an IPv6 only site but it’s kinda limited. They also claim that their www.google.com can be supported over IPv6 , it’s just that they have a scheme for ISPs to enroll to get AAAA records released to their DNS servers. Now when you are using your...

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    Seagate Failure

    by  • 21st March 2009 • post

    It looks like S.M.A.R.T has told me that drive in my server is failing. Actually I’ve noticed that when my NFS server just stopped sharing data from it. Still, it was a bad sign, quick look at logs and clear failure messages. Cool. Short trip to a highstreet shop – Maplin and I’ve grabbed...

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    Munin Plugin for Cherokee monitoring update

    by  • 13th February 2009 • post

    I’ve managed to find some time to get my Cherokee server updated to 0.98.1. BTW, it took a while to have new version appear in the Gentoo portage. Thanks to Alvaro, this update contains improved system_info module, which is now dirt easy to use in Ruby and some other scripting. Using that opportunity I...

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    VirtualBox and Sun Unified Storage

    by  • 1st February 2009 • post

    A glimpse of VirtualBox and Sun Unified Storage Simulator. SUSS looks good, Only problem I had was with IPv6, donno if it was due to VBox or SUSS but when I’ve set a static IPv6 it was crashing the interface. Other than that, good stuff, will need to test both products more.

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    Some more

    by  • 18th January 2009 • post

    All that festive time is gone. Finally. Craze at work is also stabilizing. Some more of Randolph Lalonde I’ve bought the FirstLight – Omnibus and as Spinwardfringe, it kept me glued to the screen. I really like your work, keep them coming! You can get Freeground on Amazon now. Some more of coding I...

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    Munin Cherokee plugin

    by  • 7th December 2008 • post

    Looked around to find out if there is one already and I couldn’t find any. I’ve created a multifunctional plugin for Munin for monitoring Cherokee server. DOWNLOAD HERE It’s written in Ruby. So far I can confirm that it’s compatible with Munin 1.3.4 and Cherokee 0.11.3 on Gentoo. It gets data from the server_info...

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    Cherokee Webserver

    by  • 6th December 2008 • post

    I have started evaluating the Cherokee Web Server. Have it installed on Gentoo. Using latest version from Ayron. So far, I have found that it gives a nice secure web interface ( via the cherokee-admin ), has a bug with Security setting when using IPv6 addresses ( I’ve sent feedback on that ).

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    Ruby on Rails on Maemo 2008 N810

    by  • 16th November 2008 • post

    I’ve been looking to be able to code a bit of RoR while on the go. From a few devices which I have, N810 has the longest battery run time. So… Google gave me a nice How To from Jon Forrent, it talks about N800 but it’s the same. I was trying to do...

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    HP Media Vault Retired

    by  • 31st May 2008 • post

    After, not much over 1 year, I am retiring my Media Vault . Having a network attached storage is a briliant idea. I am staying with it. It’s just the Media Vault product. Slow death. After half a year, a small fan has broken and since then it became loud, I have contacted HP...

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    back to Americas Army and some CIsco ASA install

    by  • 25th March 2008 • post

    I’ve spent most of the long weekend playing games and working. Finally, after around 4 years of having the AA Account ( AAA 🙂 I’ve finished Special Forces training! This gave me access to some neat weaponry in the game. Also unlocked SF exclusive deployments. Most of the time i was playing SF Hospital,...

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