• Posts Tagged ‘music’

    Linux Gnome ALSA and A2DP Headset

    by  • 3rd November 2007 • post

    After years of consideration I have acquired  a Bluetooth HeadSet – finally something what doesn’t screen rob me. Sound quality is decent! There is one but – outdoor, music source has to really close to your headset , there is shit loads of interferences out the in world. Indoors is perfect, I can roam...

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    Music sorted thanks to HP MV

    by  • 27th February 2007 • Uncategorized

    After many years … yes, years, I’ve sort of sorted my music 🙂 Still have to get rest of my collection from Poland but it’s good. Also a friend shared some nice soul with me, THX! it’s cool hot. It appears that my recent purchase ( the HP Media Vault ) was a great...

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    In Absence of Console Cable , N770 strikes back!

    by  • 5th July 2006 • Uncategorized

    Today, I was planing on playing more with my new router, unfortunately I have no console cable ( will arrive tomorrow ) and I was not hardcore enough to upgrade IOS on it. I ended up installing new OS on my Nokia 770 , the 2006 edition. I have not used it for a...

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    Oh it works

    by  • 26th March 2006 • Uncategorized

    Appears that LogJam ( software which I’m using to update that livejournal.com ) has more support for Music players, and now it includes mpc what means that I can pull Titles from my nonstop playing Music Player aka laptop aka router aka mail server … 🙂

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    Status update

    by  • 19th March 2006 • Uncategorized

    I’ve bought Mungo Jerry – Greatest hits Compilation yesterday. It is really good music 😀 I love it. Also installed Apache and phpMp2 on my “server,mpd,router” so I can now control music player from my bed with N 770 🙂

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    by  • 27th March 2005 • Uncategorized

    Today is a OTRS day. So wake up at about 12:00, then some food…shopping… Buying(On-Line) Marylin Manson – Mechanical Animals ( IO an old tape), so I can hear all the sounds ;). Installing OTRS, Apache, and MySQL on my testing machine( big thanks goes to Ken, for lending it ). Some configuration for...

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    by  • 2nd November 2004 • Uncategorized

    Today I had appointed an interview with Atticmedia ltd. , tommorow will know if they want something more with me. I’ll not comment it till then. Bought David Gray – White Ladder album, its ,,This years love” rox, the whole album is great, but that song just rox, I love it. For you, who...

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    by  • 5th August 2004 • Uncategorized

    Again no news… i was busy 🙂 making MusicPlayer Box, based on Pentium 120MHz, 24MB of RAM, a CompactFlash Card as a HDD, Operating system is… LINUX 😉 with MPD as a player 🙂 media source is network server foto : http://www.mobygeek.net/tmp/musicplayer.jpeg with out case, which I have to finish

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