• Posts Tagged ‘ruby’

    Persistent sequential Puppet

    by  • 19th February 2013 • post

    How damn annoying it is to try to get puppet agent to run in a predictable manner, not overloading master server. Scenario : puppet agent gets to run every X minutes, we use cron to fire it up ( puppet agent –onetime ) cron is managed by puppet, naturally Now if you do lets...

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    Ruby Net:Ftp file upload stalled

    by  • 27th April 2009 • post

    I have recently discovered that my Ruby hooks for SVN which I use as a post-commit to upload new revision to FTP server are hanging. It looked very strange , first file was nicely uploaded but the second was stalled. During debugging process I’ve discovered that any command after STOR is ignored and hanging....

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    Some more

    by  • 18th January 2009 • post

    All that festive time is gone. Finally. Craze at work is also stabilizing. Some more of Randolph Lalonde I’ve bought the FirstLight – Omnibus and as Spinwardfringe, it kept me glued to the screen. I really like your work, keep them coming! You can get Freeground on Amazon now. Some more of coding I...

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    Ruby on Rails on Maemo 2008 N810

    by  • 16th November 2008 • post

    I’ve been looking to be able to code a bit of RoR while on the go. From a few devices which I have, N810 has the longest battery run time. So… Google gave me a nice How To from Jon Forrent, it talks about N800 but it’s the same. I was trying to do...

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    SVN and Solaris 10

    by  • 15th December 2006 • post

    One word: Nightmare! How on Earth, can I install SVN/Subversion on that bloody operating system , so it will include bindings for either Perl or Ruby ?! fighting with it for last two days… finally got source to at least compile  … but even if I have Ruby ( from CSW ) and Perl...

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    My Solaris experience … so far

    by  • 28th September 2006 • post

    Solaris … The operating system… I have a server, test server at work, with Solaris 10 6/06 on it and I am playing with it. ZFS, no problem, really great thing spanning across 4 drives with raidz(or zraid) , yam. Zones or how some write, containers. Also great thingy. Containing different functionality on a...

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    Xeons, Rails and some DVDs

    by  • 26th June 2006 • Uncategorized

    So new Xeons are almost out. Can not wait until more price drops, as I need a server. I have obtained Agile Web Development with Rails β version as a PDF and now spending most of my time swallowing it… almost last weekend I have spent on CSI: Miami and a History of violence,...

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    Ruby on Rails

    by  • 24th May 2006 • Uncategorized

    Heard about it for a while, I have even used some of its components, with some of my small projects, which never went out of half-working stage. Recently decided, that I will give it a try. What I have done after reading a tutorial, which had more info how to install ruby and IDE,...

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    by  • 6th June 2005 • Uncategorized

    Done some coding, with Ruby and OG, It was a pain after so long time, but now everything is OK , especially after learning about changes between 0.15, and 0.18 in Og! Another round in soccer, and now, clearly I’m winning, even getting higher scores than 1 🙂 Anna was acting strangely today, like...

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