• post

    Munin and Bind9 on Gentoo

    by  • 31st March 2007 • post

    I’ve installed Munin monitoring node on my newly rebuild server. I’ve managed to get almost everything monitored. I had to hack bind9 plugin as original delivered name was not intended for Bind 9. I’ve downloaded bind.in and hacked it a little bit. My bind.9 has support for IPv6 clients, views and actually works with...

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    Domains for administrators

    by  • 29th March 2007 • post

    Lets say you have a dozen of servers. Lets say you connect to them very often to do some work. You have a very nice and descriptive domain for all your servers. Domain is organized nicely organized. Now you wish to connect to one of the servers. You are typing ssh mylovelyserver.somesubdomain.mylovelylongdomain.tld How much...

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    E61 Internet Telephone hanging

    by  • 19th February 2007 • post

    I am experiencing problems with my beloved E61. I used to connect to my company wireless network and then login to my VoIP account thanks to my STUN hack. Now I have discovered that whenever I am walking away from the range of WiFi , phone disconnects but leaves Internet phone running. When Internet...

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    Joy of new setup

    by  • 12th February 2007 • post

    So, now when I have my connectivity sorted out, I will start my maybe never ending network setup. I need NS server ( Done ), Mail server ( pending porting ), Radius server ( pending ) and that is what I can think of now. NS was easy, as it required little work and...

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    SVN and Solaris 10

    by  • 15th December 2006 • post

    One word: Nightmare! How on Earth, can I install SVN/Subversion on that bloody operating system , so it will include bindings for either Perl or Ruby ?! fighting with it for last two days… finally got source to at least compile  … but even if I have Ruby ( from CSW ) and Perl...

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    SVN auto publishing to Windows servers

    by  • 10th November 2006 • post

    I need to setup a system which uses SVN for storing ‘website’ revisions and automatically updates live/review/development systems whenever there is commit. Adding a little bit of complication each server is updated from different branch. If website serving boxes would be any kind of UNIX, this post would not exist… way too easy. Web...

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    My Solaris experience … so far

    by  • 28th September 2006 • post

    Solaris … The operating system… I have a server, test server at work, with Solaris 10 6/06 on it and I am playing with it. ZFS, no problem, really great thing spanning across 4 drives with raidz(or zraid) , yam. Zones or how some write, containers. Also great thingy. Containing different functionality on a...

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    Sysloging as rehab

    by  • 20th September 2006 • post

    Finally after I’ve finished my stash of CSI episodes I was able to do some good. First thing after break, my attention caught by my logging system.

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    by  • 2nd September 2006 • post

    I have a huge back log with sharing info . Enjoy some of the photos from Bowling night outing with On-line team at the end of August. I will try to find time and will to put more on the web , but when it comes to photos, my F-Spot is broken ( due...

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    Cisco 837 router

    by  • 3rd July 2006 • post

    I have got hold of Cisco 837 router in last few days. Last few days were just one big back to roots learning session, I am still getting used to things, which were not present on routers back in my days at Cisco Network Academy. QoS, Nat were nowhere on my CNA, same goes...

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