• Posts Tagged ‘website’

    Persian language

    by  • 12th January 2008 • Uncategorized

    Before Xmas, I have decided to learn a bit of Persian language. You know, just to occupy my brain with something other than technology. Today I’ve found to really great website which teaches you the language for free! Persian language lessons archive 1 Watch out Malcolm! I will bug you very soon !

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    Last month

    by  • 21st July 2007 • Uncategorized

    This is busy period, I am working my ass out and I have not much time for my self. At least I have manage to get a break mid July and I have uploaded some pictures to my, today fixed, gallery When I was on holiday, my broadband supplier ( Black Cat Networks )...

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    Spam is back

    by  • 16th June 2007 • post

    After introducing recaptcha to my blog, I have enjoyed some time spam free. They are back, but this time instead of using comments form, they use something what is called Trackback/Pingback. TB/PB is basically an interface which allows blogs to talk to each other. For example I have blogged about something and some other...

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    by  • 24th May 2007 • Uncategorized

    Just installed reCAPTCHA to get rid of spam from comments. You don’t see, but there was a lot of spam comments on my blog. As I have moderation on, they didn’t appear on the site… but it does not mean that they didn’t appear in my inbox. So now, reCAPTCHA will help keep my...

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    eh facebook

    by  • 23rd May 2007 • Uncategorized

    For very long time I have been refusing to create accounts on Web 2.0 community websites. I am considering this kind of stuff childish and hyped for teenagers. I can create and host my content on my own. Unfortunately W2.0 community sites are huge and not only teenagers started to use them. I had...

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    My Photo Gallery -Original- broken

    by  • 15th May 2007 • Uncategorized

    Yesterday I have noticed strange behavior reviewing my websites logs statistics. I have found that somebody was requesting my config.inc.php way too often, also a file .c.php was very suspicious. This all happened inside Original photo gallery writen by Jakub Steiner. I have closed my Photo Gal strait away. Today Jakub has posted about...

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    by  • 29th January 2007 • Uncategorized

    Finally got around fixing my f-spot library, had to remove old database and re-import all photos, surprise, surprise all tags were re-read from photo files and that saved my night… actually I would drop that task, if they would not re-appear in f-spot. Great stuff, maybe some day I will get around to import...

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    FileOpen Plugin for Acrobat on Linux

    by  • 13th November 2006 • Uncategorized

    If you will have to ever use it ( I needed it for IDG.PL magazine called Net World )  the download site has some crappy hosting as it  eats  .gz when redirecting to archive No worries adding .gz ad the end of URL and it works.

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    by  • 2nd September 2006 • post

    I have a huge back log with sharing info . Enjoy some of the photos from Bowling night outing with On-line team at the end of August. I will try to find time and will to put more on the web , but when it comes to photos, my F-Spot is broken ( due...

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    Geeky update, bad night

    by  • 7th May 2006 • Uncategorized

    Yesterday, I have started a move from LiveJournal to my own installation of WordPress. It is finished now. It involved reassigning categories for more that 200 posts … at least I’ve corrected some obvious typos 😉 Actually, you should know as you are reading it now. I had a really strange night, when I...

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