• Posts Tagged ‘web’

    My little CA

    by  • 12th May 2007 • post

    I have been, recently, working with OpenSSL as a mini CA. As it is a great product, does everything with PKI what you need. Even after a while it is making sense how to use it. No problems. One issue, which held me a while was lack of clear information, instructions or interface to...

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    Domains for administrators

    by  • 29th March 2007 • post

    Lets say you have a dozen of servers. Lets say you connect to them very often to do some work. You have a very nice and descriptive domain for all your servers. Domain is organized nicely organized. Now you wish to connect to one of the servers. You are typing ssh mylovelyserver.somesubdomain.mylovelylongdomain.tld How much...

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    Joy of new setup

    by  • 12th February 2007 • post

    So, now when I have my connectivity sorted out, I will start my maybe never ending network setup. I need NS server ( Done ), Mail server ( pending porting ), Radius server ( pending ) and that is what I can think of now. NS was easy, as it required little work and...

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    Nokia E61

    by  • 15th December 2006 • Uncategorized

    Recently I bought a Nokia E61 with contract from T-Mobile. Contract is a specific one, gives you unlimited(except you can’t use it with a laptop or to make VoIP calls ) access to the Internet from your phone. I love this bundle, really nice device ( I don’t even miss touch screen ) and...

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    SVN auto publishing to Windows servers

    by  • 10th November 2006 • post

    I need to setup a system which uses SVN for storing ‘website’ revisions and automatically updates live/review/development systems whenever there is commit. Adding a little bit of complication each server is updated from different branch. If website serving boxes would be any kind of UNIX, this post would not exist… way too easy. Web...

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    Cisco NAT support

    by  • 20th July 2006 • Uncategorized

    I did not known that Cisco routers are spoofing DNS … When I am doing nslookup on external server which returns one of my static external IPs , my router is spoofing it and sends me my internal IP instead of external. Sometimes useful, sometimes not. Freaking surprise !

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    Flock 0.7 disappoints

    by  • 7th June 2006 • Uncategorized

    You would expect to not loose, but gain more features right ? Not with flock, available for Linux is a step back. What was wrong with Semi-Live Bookmarks, that is a crucial feature when I am choosing a web browser … and you have removed it! what for… That move just cancelled all...

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    Do you google for Google ?

    by  • 13th May 2006 • Uncategorized

    Google Trends: google, msn, yahoo Blue – Google Red – MSN Yellow – Yahoo This chart shows trends for google for google, msn, yahoo … which are search sites. In my opinion these people just missed the address bar and started to type strait to google search box. So! you can compare how many...

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