• OGG player with BT

    by  • 22nd February 2005

    OGG Player With BlueTooth Sounds like something what I would consider to buy , here comes butts 😉 : bigger capacity ?5 -10 GiB wheel sux 😉 what about battery life ? && if ( price < £200 )

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    Quote ;)

    by  • 21st February 2005

    Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 123. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. Don’t search around and look for the “coolest” book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you. My random book was Human Knowledge, which goes there...

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    Japanese Swords

    by  • 20th February 2005

    on Wednesday, I was with Anna visiting The British Museum, and there was very beautiful collection of Japanese swords. I’ve taken some pictures, but they are not highest quality due to lack of good light.

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    day after day

    by  • 7th February 2005

    Days are passing and I don’t even feel that with em weeks and months disappearing too and that’s completely wrong that I not catching up on anything else than ST 🙁

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    by  • 20th January 2005

    nothing spatial, just watching dvds , and stv and having a beer, mmm… realy relaxing, almos as good as Anna 😉

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    by  • 19th January 2005

    recently I’ve changed my keyboard layout to dvorak…. Yes, my WPM is now below 10… give me some time 😉

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    as usual

    by  • 10th January 2005

    Anna is comming to London on 12th of Feb. Pay was in PLN , and exchange rate … 4.8 for 1GBP blah never again…

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    by  • 22nd December 2004

    I’ve recently opened a current account with The Royal Bank of Scotland. And there is one sentence which describes my experience with my branch “PR(public relations), customer care ?! Just fuck off” This how employees of my branch react, when they have to deal with customers. I am even willing to think that there...

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    Access point, poland and so on…

    by  • 20th December 2004

    My weekend is on ending now, tomorrow I’m alone in company :/ Gareth took a day off. So I’ll be in charge. On Friday going to Poland… flight on 8.55 grr, so I have to be on Heathrow at 7 :(, living 1.30h from airport I have to get up, at 4.30 🙁 And...

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