• Foresight Linux 2

    by  • 15th March 2008 • post

    I have downloaded Foresight Linux 2 with a hope to see some really cool and up to date Linux distribution.

    Yes, it has GNOME 2.22 which just came out ( was it yesterday ? ) and yes, this is cool. But if you are matured computer user, you have your favourite tools. Naming a few for me: gkrellm and unison(this one is new for me). Now, gkrellm is longer on the marked than most of the current cool distributions, Unison is not a toddler as well. They are both missing from Foresight Linux … not only standard installation but also the software repository … c’mon!

    I have also learned that Foresight is based on rPath as well as Asterisk Now…

    I am worried that I will have to ditch it , like I have done with Asterisk Now, rPath and conary is not really production mature! – at least for me.