• Posts Tagged ‘mono’


    by  • 29th January 2007 • Uncategorized

    Finally got around fixing my f-spot library, had to remove old database and re-import all photos, surprise, surprise all tags were re-read from photo files and that saved my night… actually I would drop that task, if they would not re-appear in f-spot. Great stuff, maybe some day I will get around to import...

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    by  • 2nd September 2006 • post

    I have a huge back log with sharing info . Enjoy some of the photos from Bowling night outing with On-line team at the end of August. I will try to find time and will to put more on the web , but when it comes to photos, my F-Spot is broken ( due...

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    by  • 26th March 2006 • Uncategorized

    So, this Saturday was kind of OK. In the morning I’ve went to the Mall and bought some food, and DVDs ( The Score – medium , Fight Club – really interesting , KungFu Hustle – really entertaining ) and watched afternoon all of ‘em. After movies session got something to eat ( some...

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    by  • 27th January 2006 • Uncategorized

    does it implement access to Tasks ? I don’t know … if not , there is more to do than I expected …

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    by  • 26th January 2006 • Uncategorized

    Done some research on Evolution with Mono marriage , found something called evolution-sharp , it’s a part of Beagle project. But it doesn’t have any documentation! I think that I prefer undocumented piece of code , over my backup plan: to use a Webdav protocol to exchange data between evo and my tool. webdav...

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    Last weekend

    by  • 22nd November 2005 • Uncategorized

    Had a longer weekend , started on Thursday afternoon by picking Ann from Airport. Good relaxing weekend, not good that it was short… but time passes fast when you enjoy it. Today busy… with leftovers from Gareth , with out notice … sorted, and after that got to code some stuff in c#/mono: stuck...

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    by  • 3rd October 2004 • Uncategorized

    Back in day when I had an BE-300 from Casio I was looking for good software to read ebooks. That was befor I found expod, and was able to run ubook. I found MobiPocket, and found it very good, but it worked only with it’s own files. I used converterd, and was happy, even...

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    oh bro'

    by  • 30th July 2004 • Uncategorized

    that was wild week, work, search, work, search, and woman. That means no time for me, I was able to alocate only 20 min a day for quake :/ that’s sad. BUT i’ve asked Anna if she can do what i want for 10min, no matter what, and she agree 😀 i was in...

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    by  • 20th July 2004 • Uncategorized

    Now i have time for my programming 🙂 i’m happy, and gaining some knowledge about Printing, and postgreSQL in mono, i’m trying to write some app for SB ( small business ) , i’ll unveil what is this, when i’ll be ready, and app too 😉

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    by  • 18th July 2004 • Uncategorized

    Tommorow i have D-Day, aagh i’m so stressed up that i can’t learn anymore 🙁 I wrote Gtk GUI for “echo body | mutt address -s subject” so no longer using console for mailing i will 😉 ( i made it in mono/gtk#/c# )

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