• Down with Atticmedia

    by  • 29th September 2009

    It was amazing 4 years of my professional life, working with Atticmedia. I had inspiring colleagues and great managers, they have became my great friends.  However since the takeover by BDP and new way of management, the company was on a way down.

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    No Internet for a week and counting

    by  • 12th September 2009

    It’s a week since my home line went down. I am now forced to use mobile Internet access. Judging from my experience with BT ( Retail, Openreach, Wholesale ), I wish only one thing, to make them obsolete. Their service is non existent and especially the Openreach section which broken my line in the...

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    Leaving 1 and 1

    by  • 1st August 2009

    Well, the time has come, I will be leaving my current hosting provider www.1and1.com . Why ? I simply see no value in using hosting providers. I am my self working in that industry and that means I know how it works and stuff and because I have my own servers serving my email,...

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    Spinward Fringe – Frontline is available

    by  • 14th July 2009

    Just got a messages on my blog from the author of Spinward Fringe books – Randolph Lalonde that Frontline is available! All other pleasures are on hold until I get through that book. As mentioned in few other posts, I love Randolphs creation!

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    Installing OpenSolaris from LiveCD with drivers

    by  • 9th July 2009

    Installing OpenSolaris on HP SmartArray Solaris and OpenSolaris does not include SmartArray drivers, these need to be download from HP Website After that, extract the .pkg directory onto a USB stick Then start the LiveCD, open terminal and type : pfexec touch /ADD_DRV_IGNORE_ROOT_BASEDIR after that install the driver : pfexec pkgadd -d path/to/pkgdir Now...

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    Quake Arena in your web browser

    by  • 7th July 2009

    Arena Live is sooo much better than Quake Live It’s amazing , a while back we heard about Quake Live.  A game, a Quake which you can play for free online. It had a few glitches , hanged a few times, works only on Windows. Still it was some fun. Now, as we know,...

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    by  • 7th June 2009

    Finally, I’m off on holiday, a full fortnight with a trip to West Coast. See you in July.

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    OpenSolaris 2009.6 out

    by  • 3rd June 2009

    I was waiting whole Monday to get my hands on a new release and at the end of it I got it! Very , very long wait it was. Pity I don’t have time to play with it until I’m back from holiday. Even then I will not have much time strait away… I...

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