• Cornell’s website can ID bird species through photos

    by  • 7th June 2015

    I read this new thing recently, and I liked it Cornell’s website can ID bird species through photos Casual birdwatchers may want to bookmark Merlin Bird Photo ID, a website created by Cornell University and the Visipedia research project. Thanks to powerful artificial intelligence techniques, the website can identify birds in photos you upload,...

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    Lenovo’s ‘Magic View’ smartwatch concept hides a private display

    by  • 28th May 2015

    I read this new thing recently, and I liked it Lenovo’s ‘Magic View’ smartwatch concept hides a private display Smartwatches, you know the drill: a touchscreen display, and it feeds you notifications and stuff. Pretty boring, right? Lenovo agrees, so has cooked up a “Magic View” concept to show things don’t need to be...

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    Eurotrip 2013

    by  • 15th December 2014

    This was suppose to be published a long time ago 🙂 And I believe it’s incomplete. For last 3 years we have tried to get around Europe in a light aircraft. Finally, this year we can call a success! It was a big challenge to organize, it was a lot of luck, and it...

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    Persistent sequential Puppet

    by  • 19th February 2013

    How damn annoying it is to try to get puppet agent to run in a predictable manner, not overloading master server. Scenario : puppet agent gets to run every X minutes, we use cron to fire it up ( puppet agent –onetime ) cron is managed by puppet, naturally Now if you do lets...

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    Flying with iPad – how to immobilise it

    by  • 30th May 2012

    I’ve started flying with my iPad properly mounted on my leg. Previously I had it loose in the cockpit, usually in the back pocket of passengers seat. Easily accessible, but not always, as I had to stow it in critical portions of the flight.

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    ReCaptcha not Better

    by  • 16th October 2011

    Oh, I am really sorry, it looks like the “Better ReCAPTCHA” plugin was not really better than “WP – RECAPTCHA” and didn’t display correctly for some time what blocked a few comments reaching me. I’m terribly sorry.  It should work now as I’ve moved back to WP.  In case it breaks don’t hesitate to...

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    OpenIndiana VirtualBox and NFS

    by  • 19th September 2011

    I have a server called host. It hosts my NFS shares as well as a couple virtual machines using VirtualBox. Recently I had a relapse of NFS performance issues, which basically made it unusable as NFS server.

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    host refreshed with OpenIndiana 151

    by  • 8th August 2011

    Since the opensolaris.org vanished I was left wondering, what I’m going to use for my storage/vm server next. Fortunately Open Indiana raised from the OS ashes and world was bright again for my server.

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