• Posts Tagged ‘travel’

    Access point, poland and so on…

    by  • 20th December 2004 • Uncategorized

    My weekend is on ending now, tomorrow I’m alone in company :/ Gareth took a day off. So I’ll be in charge. On Friday going to Poland… flight on 8.55 grr, so I have to be on Heathrow at 7 :(, living 1.30h from airport I have to get up, at 4.30 🙁 And...

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    by  • 12th September 2004 • Uncategorized

    so i am right now in Prague/Czech Rep. I am on a way to Budapest to eat some goose ’cause on the next weekend i will be wondering where to live in London Not so much time left for any kind of entertainment, in London will be just work until any stabilization in my...

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    by  • 6th July 2004 • Uncategorized

    i’m packed up, in one hour i’m going to gozdnica and again 3h in car, goin thru villages, no places to go faster than 50mph , no, sorry two, one 5 miles long, and second 1mile 🙂 great polish roads

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    In Poznan

    by  • 13th June 2004 • Uncategorized

    I’m back in Poznan. In Gozdnica I made Kpackage, and something about my Project, the software management system for little organization with 4 computers. Today i have to learn a little 🙂 tommorow I have exam on Computer Systems Security.

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    by  • 8th June 2004 • Uncategorized

    i dont know if it is good moring cause i just woke up. totay i have to pick up my brother from bus station, take him to the university, and am(medic academy), he want to study there. and at 12.30 auction on allegro will be over 🙂 i hope that this freak will not...

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