• Which File Extension Are You?

    by  • 28th October 2004 • Uncategorized

    You are .jpg You are very colorful.  Sometimes you forget things, or distort the truth.  You like working with pictures more than words.
    Which File Extension are You?

    And I did it again 🙂 stupid 😉

    Today I’ve collected some offers from Jobcentre+, also watched ste.s4.e3, and I waiting for e4 which will be on friday, and I feel adicted , seriously.

    Was trying to play with CSS2 but I feel that it’s not what i like. But soon I’ll have to do someting with my site 😉 yeye it’s crappy 😉 I know 😉

    I should reply to ofers from jobsite, but, afaik I’ll not do that, my lazynes will kill me.

    MAN! it’s time to go to bed.