by  • 27th March 2005 • Uncategorized

    Today is a OTRS day.

    So wake up at about 12:00, then some food…shopping…
    Buying(On-Line) Marylin Manson – Mechanical Animals ( IO an old tape), so I can hear all the sounds ;).
    Installing OTRS, Apache, and MySQL on my testing machine( big thanks goes to Ken, for lending it ). Some configuration for newly installed services.

    Some Sex & the City… grr, at least it helps me getting new Ideas for solving thing.

    Reading documentations for OTRS… solved , and Now my beautiful new system with a Hula, Otrs is working almost perfect ( need to read a little about mod_perl in apache2, ‘cos it’s veeery slow on testing machine, with my configuration for Otrs.

    BTW. I’ve never said thanks to OTRS GmbH, so… thanks guys, good soft!